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9 Documents found

PCE Videos: Pop-Up on Lessons Learned from the Pandemic
PCE Pop-Ups review current topics through presentations and breakout groups. On June 21, 2021 we discussed what we’ve learned from the pandemic. Materials: Meeting booklet
Backlogs and Trials During the Pandemic
Prosecutors are facing a growing backlog at every stage of a prosecution, including in forensic laboratories. Reducing the backlog will require new thinking and new approaches. The backlog has also increased the pressure…
Prosecutors and the Pandemic – Necessity is the Mother of Invention
Authors: Kristine Hamann and Sarah Solano Geisler
Talking with DA Hillar Moore, Parish of East Baton Rouge about the “New Normal”
DA Hillar Moore discusses various topics including his White Paper on the New Normal, reducing the jail population, using social media to keep in touch with victims, and remote court…
Talking with First Assistant Steven Siegel about reopening the Jacksonville State Attorney’s Office
As the Jacksonville State Attorney’s Office looks to reopen at 25% capacity, First Assistant Steven Siegel explains how they’re working to maintain safe work environments using strategies such as “Floor…
Talking with APA Pat Muscat about how the Wayne County, MI Prosecutor’s Office developed a paperless system on the fly
APA Pat Muscat shares how his division rapidly implemented a paperless system within days of the coronavirus stay at home order, despite having no pre-existing process. Through creative use of…
Talking with San Diego’s Chief Deputy DA Tracy Prior about Remote Preliminary Hearings
Prosecutors all over the country are finding ways to adapt to the “new normal.” Hear from them in PCE’s new series of video interviews. Chief Deputy District Attorney Tracy Prior…
Virtual Panel Discussion: Prosecuting in a Pandemic
May 2020 – Arizona State University School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, The Morrison Institute for Public Policy, Prosecutors’ Center for Excellence. View the webinar Panelists: Allister Adel (Maricopa County…
Virtual Mental Health Court in the Yolo County DA’s Office, California
Prosecutors all over the country are finding ways to adapt to the “new normal.” Hear from them in PCE’s new series of video interviews. In PCE’s first interview of the…