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7 Documents found

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Gunshot Detection Systems: Considerations for Prosecutors

Authors: PCE, National Policing Institute This article provides a basic understanding of gunshot detection system technology, its investigative and evidentiary value, and issues prosecutors may encounter when trying to admit…

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National Prosecution Best Practices Conference: Non-Fatal Shootings: Challenges and Solutions

Sep 27, 2022 – Sep 29, 2022 Location: Salt Lake City, UT Details: For prosecutors only. View booklet

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Forensic Triage: A Guide for Prosecutors

Authors: PCE, NRTAC As the demand for forensic evidence has exploded, so has the pressure on crime laboratories to keep pace with an ever-growing workload. This paper, developed by PCE’s…

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Investigating Violent Crime: The Prosecutor’s Role – Lessons Learned From the Field

Author(s): Kristine Hamann, PCE and John Delaney Violent crime prosecutors do difficult and important work. In October 2017, fifteen seasoned violent-crime prosecutors spent a day and a half sharing their…

President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology Recommends that Some Forensic Evidence Should Not Be Introduced in Federal Court

On September 19, 2016, the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) issued a 174-page report titled “Forensic Science in Criminal Courts: Ensuring Scientific Validity of Feature-Comparison Methods”….

New Evidence in Prosecutions

January 28, 2016 — Volume 6 Secure In Our Convictions: Using New Evidence To Strengthen Prosecution Prosecutors’ Center for Excellence, January 2016. Click here Benefits and Challenges of New Evidence: With the…