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67 Documents found

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The Conscious Prosecutor: Implicit Bias Toolkit for Prosecutors

Authors: PCE and National Black Prosecutors Association As we know, prosecutors must be fact-based and fair in the pursuit of justice. Prosecutors cannot base their judgements on whim, bias or…

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Combatting Crime on the Dark Web: How Law Enforcement and Prosecutors are Using Cutting-Edge Technology to Fight Cyber Crime

Author(s): Bradley Altvater, PCE Criminals are increasingly using shadowy corners of the internet to mask their identities and conduct illicit activities. Marketplaces on the “dark web” facilitate a range of…

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Statewide Best Practices Committees for Prosecutors: A Nationwide Movement

Author(s): Kristine Hamann, Rebecca Rader Brown A prosecutor’s core mission is and has always been to promote justice and to protect the community by ensuring public safety. Over the past…

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Witness Intimidation: What You Can Do To Protect Your Witness

Author(s): PCE Witness intimidation and witness tampering can occur in any case, from simple misdemeanors to homicides. It has a variety of consequences from the silencing of an entire community,…

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The Prosecutor’s Evolving Role

Author(s): Hamann, Greenberg-Chao Prosecutors have a core mission to protect the community and ensure justice when enforcing the law. Traditionally, a prosecutor’s role was a limited and relatively passive one…

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Model Police Policy Body Worn Cameras: A Guide for Prosecutors

Author(s): PCE, CDAA Digital evidence includes evidence retrieved from cell phones, computers, surveillance cameras, and social media sites. PCE can provide information on how digital evidence is captured, preserved and…