Prosecutor Data – Where is it Now and Where is it Going?

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Author: PCE

A modern prosecutor embraces and uses data. Data is central to a prosecutor’s work as it can inform policy decisions, guide management, provide transparency and allow for research. The vision has yet to be fully realized, but it is encouraging that there is a growing awareness both inside and outside of prosecutor offices of the critical need for data.

This paper gives an overview of the current state of prosecution data, summarizes the data challenges faced by prosecutors, identifies new trends that are springing up in prosecutor offices, and poses questions for the future.

Collaborative Program Addresses Reentry Needs (2022)

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Morris County Prosecutor’s Office (Morris County, NJ) 

Population: 492,715 | Contact Information

The Morris County Prosecutor’s Office  has teamed up with the Morris County Superior Court and the Morris County Sherriff’s Department to promote Community Connections, a collaborative program that provides wrap around services to court involved individuals.

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A Life Well Lived

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Frederick J. Watts
11/28/1957 – 12/23/2021

Fred Watts, a member of PCE’s Board of Directors, died on December 23, 2021.  Shortly before his death he retired as the Executive Director of the New York City Police Athletic League that serves 20,000 New York City youth. Prior to that he was the Executive Assistant District Attorney in Charge of Finance and Administration at the New York County District Attorney’s Office (Manhattan).  Fred was highly respected as a prosecutor, community leader, friend and family man. He served PCE with his exceptional judgement, intelligence and decency.  He is deeply missed. Obituary.