Backlogs and Trials During the Pandemic

Prosecutors are facing a growing backlog at every stage of a prosecution, including in forensic laboratories. Reducing the backlog will require new thinking and new approaches. The backlog has also increased the pressure to try cases during the pandemic.

With input from prosecutors around the country, PCE has collected suggestions for addressing the backlog and trying cases during the pandemic.

Prosecutor Backlog: Causes, Data and Solutions Read | PCE Collection

Preparing for a Jury Trial in the Time of COVID Read | PCE Collection

Trying a Case During COVID Read | PowerPoint from Summit County Prosecutor’s Office, Ohio

Working with Forensic Laboratories During a Pandemic Read | Empire State Prosecutor, NYPTI – Rachel Smith, Forensic Science Unit Chief and Susan Horan, DNA Specialist both from the Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office, New York  

For more PCE Resources on the Coronavirus, Read