PCE Pop-Up: The Good, Bad and Ugly of Digital Evidence

On May 9, 2024 PCE hosted a webinar about how to effectively use digital evidence in a time of technological change. Speakers discuss emerging topics such as legal considerationos of AI, hard drives, and how devices such as FitBits have helped solve cases.

Booklet and Materials

Good: Transcription, Searches

Duration: 00:23:39

Jessica Hyde, Founder of Hexorida, Adjunct Professor, George Mason University

The Bad: AI and Deep Fake

Duration: 00:13:34

Brandon Epstein, Chief Forensic Officer, Medex Forensics

Reverse Geolocation Searches Now That Google Has Cut Off Law Enforcement

Duration: 00:06:51

How to Handle Rejection Working With Third Party Providers

Duration: 00:18:39

Joe Remy, Assistant Prosecutor, Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office, NJ

Life Is A Highway, With Many Connected Cars With Multiple Hard Drives

Duration: 00:12:57

Chris Pyler, Detective, Westminster, Colorado