Use of Technology, Multi-Agency Coordination, and Data Analysis to Prosecute Opioid Related Crime (2018)

Shelby County District Attorney General’s Office (Memphis, TN)

Population: 935,760 | Number of Full-Time Prosecutors: 112 | Contact Information

Through an Innovative Prosecution Solutions initiative, the Shelby County District Attorney General’s Office and its partners at the Memphis Police Department and the University of Memphis are working together to investigate fatal and nonfatal opiate overdoses through use of mobile Cellebrite technology known as UFED InField. This enables detectives to extract data from overdose victims’ cell phones at the scene, expediting identification of the victim’s supplier.

A crime analyst also reviews social media data through Cellebrite’s analytical software and inputs data to the Overdose Detection Mapping Application Program (ODMAP) which creates risk terrain modeling to identify opioid hotspots.