Yolo County District Attorney’s Office Commons Data Transparency Portal (2021)

Yolo County District Attorney’s Office (Woodland, CA)
Population: 220,410 | Number of Full-Time Prosecutors: 42 | Contact Information
Created with nonprofit Measures for Justice, the Commons Data Transparency Portal aims to be transparent about the work of the Yolo County District Attorney’s Office and to influence policy.
The office collaborated with the Yolo Multi-Cultural Community Council to determine what data would be valuable to the community and how data should be presented to empower the community to consume information easily and effectively. Data is downloadable and shareable as part of the office’s transparency efforts. Three levels of data are included in the dashboard including total cases, cases by type, and cases referred to the prosecutor.
Chief Deputy District Attorney, Jonathan Raven, and Chief of Innovation and Transparency, William Ferrier, discuss their data dashboard in the video above.