Youthful Offender Diversion and Wraparound Services (2015)

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Circuit Attorney’s Office of St. Louis (St. Louis, MO)

Population: 318,070 | Number of Full-Time Prosecutors: 60 | Contact Information

The St. Louis Circuit Attorney’s Office has implemented a diversion program, supported by Innovative Prosecution Solutions, for defendants ages 18 to 25 who presented a moderate risk of re-offense. Participants are selected using the Ohio Risk Assessment System and a strict set of eligibility criteria. Once in the program, the young adults plead guilty to the crimes committed, regularly appear before a diversion judge, and are monitored by experienced probation officers.

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Special Prosecution Unit Uses Social Media to Prosecute Violent Crime and Drug Trafficking (2016)

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Essex County Prosecutor’s Office (Newark, NJ)

Population: 808,290 | Number of Full-Time Prosecutors: 129 | Contact Information

The Essex County Prosecutor’s Office (ECPO) recognized the need to utilize social media evidence to successfully prosecute violent crime and drug trafficking. With help from Innovation Prosecution Solutions, ECPO developed a Special Prosecution Unit, which mines social media content to help prosecute violent crime by identifying involved organizations and individuals, evidence of criminal activity, victims, witnesses, and other relevant information for future prosecution.

Restorative Justice Program for Youthful Offenders with Monitoring (2016)  

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Office of the Attorney General for the District of Columbia (Washington, DC

Population: 689,545 | Number of Full-Time Prosecutors: 280 | Contact Information

Through a grant from Innovative Prosecution Solutions, the District of Columbia’s Office of the Attorney General (DCOAG) has created and implemented a restorative justice (RJ) program aimed at reducing the risk of reoffending among individuals between the ages of 12 and 24 who have committed low-level offenses (e.g., unlawful entry, theft). Upon the victim’s consent, DCOAG facilitates a mediation process between the victim, the offender, and their families.

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Vertical Unit to Prevent and Prosecute Crimes of Violence (2016)

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Jackson County Prosecutor’s Office (Kansas City, MO)

Population: 700,310 | Number of Full-Time Prosecutors: 65 | Contact Information

To address the proliferation of violent crime and gun use, the Jackson County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office (JCPAO) adopted a vertical prosecution protocol for crimes of violence. Instead of assigning isolated functions, prosecutors were given a case from referral to final disposition. JCPAO used Innovative Prosecution Solutions to fund regional, vertical prosecution for violent offenses occurring in areas most impacted by violence.

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Non-Fatal Shooting Team to Increase Successful Prosecutions (2017)

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Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office (Detroit, MI)

Population: 1,793,561 | Number of Full-Time Prosecutors: 180 | Contact Information

In order to reduce violence, The Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office has established a dedicated team to respond to all non-fatal shootings (NFS) in one of its high need precincts. A vertically assigned team from the prosecutor’s office is responsible for the case from the initial incident through final judicial resolution.

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Prioritization, Streamlining, and Precision Prosecution of Opioid Related Violent Crime (2018)

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Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office (Detroit, MI)

Population: 1,793,561 | Number of Full-Time Prosecutors: 180 | Contact Information

The Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office (WCPO) is working to prevent opioid-related overdose deaths by utilizing data science to locate and prioritize hotspots of overlapping opioid-related activity and violent crime, eliminating the threshold for case referrals to WCPO’s drug unit, and employing a one-person grand jury to streamline investigations of opioid-related overdose cases.

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Diversion and Wraparound Services for Victims of Human Trafficking (2017)

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Davidson County District Attorney’s Office (Nashville, TN)

Population: 715,884 | Number of Full-Time Prosecutors: 75 | Contact Information

The Davidson County District Attorney’s Office (DCDA) expanded their identification of human trafficking victims/survivors to increase access to services and improve prosecution of traffickers. DCDA received funding from Innovative Prosecution Solutions (IPS) to improve a validated Trafficking Victim Identification Tool and partner with the county probation department to expand screening of potential victims.

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Gun Crime Strategies Unit to Identify and Prosecute High Risk Offenders (2017)

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Cook County State’s Attorney (Chicago, IL)

Population: 5,211,000 | Number of Full-Time Prosecutors: 900 | Contact Information

In response to its jurisdiction’s increasing rise in shootings and homicides, The Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office (SAO) utilized Innovative Prosecution Solutions (IPS) resources to identify and prosecute individuals who are most likely to engage in gun-related offenses in six of Chicago’s neighborhoods most impacted by gun violence.

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