PCE Videos: Crime Analyst Part 2: How Crime Analysts Can Improve Prosecutions

On September 29, 2023 PCE hosted a Pop-Up on how crime analysts can improve prosecutions.

Booklet and Materials

marisa mckeown

DA-Led Crime Analysis Units

Duration (00:18:38)

Marisa McKeown, Supervising Deputy District Attorney
Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office (CA)

angel ecdao

Crime Analysts Detecting Hot Spots and Hot People

Duration (00:25:28)

Angel Ecdao, Senior Crime Analyst

Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office (CA)

peter villaver

How a Crime Analyst Can Assist with Advances and Limitations in Cell Phone and Mobile Device Technology

Duration (00:25:26)

Peter Villaver, Senior Criminal Intelligence Analyst
San Diego County District Attorney’s Office (CA)

Putting It Together for Trial with a Crime Analyst (Recorded Presentation)

Duration (00:11:12)

Sophia Roach, Senior Attorney
Prosecutors’ Center for Excellence