Award Winning Peer Support Program (2022)

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San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office (San Bernardino, CA)

Population: 2,123,000 | Number of Full-Time Prosecutors: 220 | Contact Information

The San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office (SBDA) has developed an award winning peer support program which provides professional supportive services to employees who are facing issues as result of secondary trauma and stress as a result of personal or professional challenges.  The program is staffed by employees who undergo peer support training that teaches communication skills for people in crisis, understanding available resources, and  laws regulating the confidentiality of peer support conversations.

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Pathways to Community Prefiling Diversion Program (2022)

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Coconino County Attorney’s Office (Flagstaff, AZ)

Population: 142,254 | Number of Full-Time Prosecutors: 15 | Contact Information

The Coconino County Attorney’s Office (CCA) has developed a prefiling diversion program that connects arrestees to a variety of health and social service programs before the decision to file charges is made by the CCA. After an initial health screening and court appearance, a judge determines eligibility and qualified participants are released to a local facility where they can access substance abuse, mental health, and social services from a variety of government and community providers. Once programming is underway, the CCA evaluates participation to determine if charges will be filed or dismissed.

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DA Led Job Fair and Expungement Program (2022)

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Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office (Montgomery, AL)

Population: 199,054 | Number of Full-Time Prosecutors: 26 | Contact Information

The Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office (MCDA) has initiated a prosecutor led job fair that brings together previously convicted people in the community with local employers.  The job fair also provides attendees with assistance in drafting resumes, obtaining interview appropriate clothing, and developing interview skills.  In addition to the job opportunities, attendees can also get help with filing for expungement and obtaining government identification.

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BullyBlocker: Prevention and Intervention Program (2022)

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Mobile County District Attorney’s Office (Mobile, AL)

Population: 414,000 | Number of Full-Time Prosecutors: 28 | Contact Information

The Mobile County District Attorney’s Office (MCDA) has developed a program to combat bullying in local schools.  BullyBlocker allows anyone to anonymously report bullying through text messaging which is distributed to trained staff for timely assistance.

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Public Police Conduct Disclosure Website (2022)

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Arizona Prosecuting Attorney’s Advisory Council (Phoenix, AZ)

Population: 7,174,000 | Number of Members: 858 | Contact Information

The Arizona Prosecuting Attorneys’ Advisory Council (APAAC) has developed a public, internet accessible database (often referred to as a Brady list) that contains names of law enforcement officers for whom there are materials which must be provided in discovery in order to comply with Brady v. Maryland and its progeny. 

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The Empathetic Prosecutor: Reducing Bias When Working With Victims, Survivors, and Witnesses

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Authors: PCE, New York County District Attorney’s Office, San Diego District Attorney’s Office, and Queens District Attorney’s Office

-What does bias look like?
-How can prosecutors reduce bias when working with their witnesses?
-How do you remove bias from your work?

Read our latest report to find ways that you can reduce bias and become a more empathetic prosecutor for victims, survivors, and witnesses.