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PCE Pop-Up – Organized Retail Theft: Challenges and Solutions
Thursday, February 13, 2025
12:00-2:00pm ET/11:00am-1:00pm CT/10:00am-12:00pm MT/ 9:00-11:00am PT
This Pop-Up will focus on innovative approaches and partnerships designed to tackle the growing problem of organized retail theft. Prosecutors and their partners in the retail industry from around the country will discuss how their collaboration can improve information sharing, incident responses, and case outcomes.
*Registration open until Monday, February 10th.
Photos from Previous Meetings
2024 National Prosecution Best Practices Conference- The Prosecutor Office of the Future: Practice and Policy

Conference Photos can be viewed and downloaded here. Conference photos taken by Salt Lake County DA Office.
The mission of Prosecutors’ Center for Excellence is to assist prosecutors with creating a fair and equitable criminal justice system, enhancing community trust, and implementing the initiatives of a modern prosecutor office. Prosecutors have an ethical duty to protect public safety as well as the rights of the accused, and must keep abreast of the rapid changes and the flow of recommendations impacting their work. PCE is dedicated to assisting prosecutors with these challenges.