Consulting and Services
Prosecutors’ Center for Excellence offers assistance for prosecutor offices of all sizes aimed at improving office efficiencies, functions, and ultimately, the criminal justice system.
From coast to coast, PCE has helped in hundreds of jurisdictions. We’ve worked in all 50 states, collaborated with elected prosecutors in offices large and small, and have provided timely policy news to thousands of prosecutors with our free email service.
From training prosecutors on topics from ethics to equity, providing office assessments, and conducting independent case reviews, PCE has the knowledge base to handle and advise prosecutors on the challenging issues they are facing.
With decades of experience working in the criminal justice system, our team of experts is prepared to offer real-world solutions and implementation strategies. See our areas of expertise. (link back to homepage)
Independent Case Review
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The world of prosecution is changing. Prosecutors are now reviewing older cases to see that justice was done.
Starting Conviction Review
PCE can help you set up a conviction review unit or process, whether your office is large or small. Read Conviction Review Today: A Guide for Prosecutors.
Independent Case Review
Conducting case reviews can overwhelm an office. Our seasoned prosecutors assist with independent, systemic reviews of cases that have come into question. We review case files, related documents, interview relevant parties, and prepare a report with recommendations for the chief prosecutor. Read about our case reviews in Minnesota and Delaware.
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PCE Pop-Ups/National Meetings
Virtual PCE Pop-ups happen every other month and bring together prosecutors from across the country to discuss innovative topics in prosecution. Occasional in-person National Meetings feature current criminal justice topics and provide networking opportunities.
In-Person Presentations
Bring PCE to your jurisdiction with our interactive presentations. Our experts have presented on a variety of topics including ethics, recruitment and retention, gun violence, equity and diversity, encouraging victim and witness cooperation, creating a Best Practices Committee, addressing non-fatal shootings and more.
Confidential Office Assessments
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Has your office been using the same systems for decades? Are inefficiencies in the office slowing you down? Do you want to make sure that your office is dispensing justice fairly and equally? Do you just want to see what is and isn’t working in your office?
Bring Prosecutors’ Center for Excellence’s team of experts into your office for an assessment. This is an ideal way to get an outside perspective from experienced prosecutors on these questions and more. Some federal funding is available.
Prosecutors in Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee have benefited from full-office assessments.