El Dorado District Attorney Adopts Science Based Interviewing Practices (2022)

Video Edition Updated

El Dorado County District Attorney’s Office (El Dorado County, CA)

Population: 193,000 | Number of Full-Time Prosecutors:25 | Contact Information

The District Attorney’s Office in El Dorado County, California (DAED) is spearheading a national effort to train law enforcement and prosecutors in Science Based Interview (SBI) techniques derived from research conducted by members of U.S. Intelligence Agencies in support of the High Value Detainee Interrogation Group.  The methods of interviewing are based on scientific research and designed to improve communication with suspects, victims and witnesses.

This scientific approach eschews prior tactics that involve police deception in favor of motivational interviewing and rapport building tailored to each unique target’s psychological needs. The training length varies, depending on the audience and experience level, but involves hands on exercises and introduction of the science behind the approach.  The approach is of specific interest to prosecutors as a proven way to decrease false confessions and improve community views of police conduct. Most importantly, it has been proved reliable in securing information that can later be used to assist in prosecutions of guilty offenders.