Webinar: Victims, Witnesses, and Defendants with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD): Key Information for Prosecutors

On February 13, 2019, the Vera Institute of Justice hosted a webinar to provide an overview of the resources and objectives of the Serving Safely National Initiative to Enhance Policing for Persons with Mental Illnesses and Developmental Disabilities. PCE is a partner on the initiative and works alongside Vera to provide training and technical assistance to prosecutor’s offices on innovative programs addressing people with mental illness and intellectual disabilities. Recipients of the training and technical assistance include the Rockland County DA’s Office (NY), Los Angeles County DA’s Office, and the New York State Attorney General’s Office. 

Forensic Triage: A Guide for Prosecutors

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Authors: PCE, NRTAC

As the demand for forensic evidence has exploded, so has the pressure on crime laboratories to keep pace with an ever-growing workload. This paper, developed by PCE’s Executive Director Kristine Hamann and St. Louis Circuit Attorney’s Office Chief of Trials Rachel Smith, addresses the critical question of how best to maximize the resources of a public forensic laboratory. This question is explored in three different parts, each with an emphasis on the prosecutor’s perspective:

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