AI and Deep Fake
Brandon Epstein, Chief Forensic Officer at Medex Forensics, discussed AI and deepfakes.
Brandon Epstein, Chief Forensic Officer at Medex Forensics, discussed AI and deepfakes.
Mark Starr and Kirk Arthur of Microsoft discussed how AI will be used in technology.
Professor Frank Coyle, Ph.D., of Southern Methodist University discussed artificial intelligence.
This paper explores the current staffing shortages faced by prosecutor offices, effective strategies for recruiting new lawyers and support staff, and the evolving job roles that will shape the future of prosecutor offices.
Video doorbells have become more prevalent as the source of evidence in criminal cases. This article will describe how they work, explore investigative issues relating to video doorbells, and end with a discussion of how to introduce videos from the doorbells at trial.
Authors: CJPL and PCE
On September 16, 2024 PCE and AE co-hosted a webinar with NYU Wagner Labor Initiative about Workplace Crime and Injustice, a sequel to our PCE Pop-Up: PCE Videos: How Prosecutors Help Fight Workplace Crimes and Injustice.
Read MoreOn September 9, 2024 PCE and AE hosted a webinar about digital evidence at trial, a sequel to our PCE Pop-Up The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Digital Evidence.
Read MoreOn May 9, 2024 PCE hosted a webinar about how to effectively use digital evidence in a time of technological change. Speakers discuss emerging topics such as legal considerations of AI, hard drives, and how devices such as FitBits have helped solve cases.
Read MoreAuthor: CSG Justice Center