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Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office (Portland, OR)

Population: 647,810 | Number of Full-Time Prosecutors: 78 | Contact Information

The Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office (MCDA) is enhancing its Strategic Prosecution and Services Unit (SPSU) so it can focus on violent high volume system users (HVSUs) who require specialized approaches. MCDA is hiring a Project Deputy District Attorney (DDA) who will be assigned to the SPSU.

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Modernizing Case System to Reduce Case Processing Times (2020)

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Cumberland County Prosecutor’s Office (Bridgeton, NJ)

Population: 335,562 | Contact Information

To decrease case processing times and efficiently dispatch discovery, the Cumberland County Prosecutor’s Office (NJ) (CCPO) Juvenile/Domestic Violence Unit is replacing its outdated manual case system with Infoshare, an updated information technology that includes Juvenile eScreening, an eDiscovery Portal for the juvenile module, bates stamping, and redaction tools.

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Talking with Senior Deputy Prosecutor David Martin (WA) and Program Manager Colleen McIngalls about Using Technology and Civil Legal Aid to Help Protect Domestic Violence Victims

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The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office in Seattle, Washington has provided civil protection to victims of domestic violence for over thirty years through its Protection Order Advocacy Program. They now leverage a tool called Legal Atoms, a software platform in which protection order specialists can work alongside victims remotely to complete the steps necessary to file for a civil protection order. See PowerPoint. The office also created Project Safety, a partnership with civil Legal Aid to provide legal navigators to DV victims to assist them with needed civil services. 

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Talking with San Diego’s Chief Deputy DA Tracy Prior about Remote Preliminary Hearings

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Prosecutors all over the country are finding ways to adapt to the “new normal.” Hear from them in PCE’s new series of video interviews. 

Chief Deputy District Attorney Tracy Prior shares how San Diego conducts preliminary hearings by using a combination of Microsoft Teams, social distancing in the courtroom, and a secure, separate phone line that the defendant and defense attorney can use to communicate privately.

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