Rapid-Response Overdose Unit to Prevent and Prosecute Opioid Related Crime Using New Technology and Public Health Collaboration (2019)

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Orleans Parish District Attorney’s Office (New Orleans, LA)

Population: 390,845 | Number of Full-Time Prosecutors: 57 | Contact Information

To curb the opioid epidemic, the Orleans Parish District Attorney’s Office received grant funding through Innovative Prosecution Solutions (IPS) to develop a Rapid-Response Overdose Homicide Unit, staffed by a dedicated prosecutor and a data analytics team from the Louisiana Public Health Institute. The Unit expedites and streamlines the collection evaluation of overdose crime scene evidence and generates intelligence.

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Need Help with Improving Investigations? Apply for No-cost Training and Technical Assistance

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Funded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (part of the Department of Justice), the National Resource & Technical Assistance Center for Improving Law Enforcement Investigations (NRTAC) delivers training and technical assistance (TTA) to law enforcement and prosecutors on a wide range of topics that are directly related to conducting high-quality investigations. This assistance is available free of cost to eligible state and local departments and prosecutors seeking to improve investigations ranging from homicide to computer crime investigations. To learn more click here for NRTAC flyer.

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Investigating Violent Crime: The Prosecutor’s Role – Lessons Learned From the Field

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Author(s): Kristine Hamann, PCE and John Delaney

Violent crime prosecutors do difficult and important work. In October 2017, fifteen seasoned violent-crime prosecutors spent a day and a half sharing their ideas about how to improve the investigation of violent crimes at a meeting sponsored by the Bureau of Justice Assistance of the U.S. Department of Justice. Though the group had much in common, it was quickly apparent that there are a variety of approaches to their work.

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Rocket Fuel for Prosecutors!

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Prosecutors have a difficult job – made even harder by rapidly evolving technology and law.  It can be overwhelming to stay abreast of developments with a limited budget and staff.  But don’t panic – there is a great tool that will help you with nearly any prosecutorial dilemma that comes your way: Prosecutors’ Encyclopedia or “PE” for short.  And it’s all free!

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Electronic Discovery

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Prosecutors are obligated to provide timely and complete discovery, particularly with regard to exculpatory and impeachment material. The discovery process can be complex and time consuming. Failure to properly record the discovery documents provided to the defense can jeopardize cases and put prosecutors at risk of being charged with ethical violations. Thus, prosecutors are turning to technology to streamline the discovery process and to create a reliable record of what was turned over to the defense and when.

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Police Body-Worn Cameras: What Prosecutors Need to Know

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Author(s): Kristine Hamann, PCE

As police departments across the United States embrace the use of police body-worn cameras (“BWCs”), it is imperative that prosecutors be involved in the uptake process as early as possible. The cameras will inevitably capture a great deal of evidentiary material that will be used in every type of criminal prosecution. Thus, systems and policies must be developed to ensure that this evidence is properly captured and delivered to the prosecutor in a timely and usable way.

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The Benefits of Electronic Discovery in King County

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Author(s): Kristine Hamann, PCE

Prosecutors are obligated to provide timely and complete discovery, particularly with regard to exculpatory and impeachment material. The discovery process can be complex and time consuming. Failure to properly record discovery documents provided to the defense can jeopardize cases and put prosecutors at risk of being charged with ethical violations.

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Development of Database to Improve Understanding of Illegal Prescription Drug Activity (2018)

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Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office (Conroe, TX)

Population: 607,391 | Number of Full-Time Prosecutors: 50 | Contact Information

The Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office has developed a Pre-Crime Unit (PCU) with Innovative Prosecution Solution grant funds, which targets the sources of prescription drug abuse through aggressive and responsible investigations and prosecutions to combat increases in drug overdose and drugged driving. The PCU team consists of a prosecutor, investigator, and paralegal.

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